1.Standing Calf Raise
1.Secure the resistance band anchor at the bottom of a door.
2.Facing away, grab the resistance band handles: one in each hand, and stand with feet hip distance apart.
3.Place hands above shoulders, elbows pointed downward. Stand tall and keep core engaged at all times.
4.Inhale. Then exhale and raise both heels off the floor as you point your toes.
5.Inhale and slowly return to start position. Then repeat for times.
1.Stand on the top of your resistance bands with your feet set slightly more than hip width apart.
2.Squat down and grab the handles, then bring it behind you so that you end up with the palm of your hands facing forward, held aligned with your neck.
3.Stand up while keeping the handles aligned with your neck, then hold for a few seconds, then squat back down and repeat.
3.Push Ups
1.Grab the band at each end so that the center of the band is on your back. Make sure that the band is underneath your armpits.
2.Lie down in a push up position while still holding the ends of the band in each hand. The band should be tight at the lowest point of the push up.
3.Push yourself up until your arms are fully extended, then slowly back down to the original position.
4.Hamstring Raise
1.Secure the resistance band at the bottom of a door or a secure stationary frame, such as your bed frame legs
2.Attach the ankle straps to your ankles and the to the end of each side of the band
3.Lie flat on your front with your hands together centered on your chest.
4.Make sure that the resistance band is straightened, keep both feet together. Then proceed to raise them up to a 90 degree angle, then all the way back down and repeat.
5.Kneeling Glute Kickbacks

1.Loop the resistance band around one of your feet once and then get down on your hands and knees
2.Hold the handles of the resistance band and fully extend your leg backwards with your toe pointing to the ground.
3.Bring back to the start position and repeat. Then use another leg.
6.Get Ups
1.Secure the bands to the door with the door anchor at knee height
2.Attach each end of the bands to a handle
3.Grip a handle in each hand and lie on your back, with your head 3 to 4 feet away from the door. Then position your arms so that they are straight, 12 inches above your hips, with your hands 12 inches apart, palms facing down.
4.Raise your upper body off the floor and push the handles forward until your back is perpendicular to the floor and arms are parallel with the floor. Return to the starting position. Repeat.
7.Reverse Crunch and Extend
1.Lie face up with your head toward the anchor and secure your feet in the band handles, legs extended along the ground and arms out to the sides
2.Draw your knees into your chest, then slowly extend them out completely so they are about 6 to 8 inches above the ground.
3.Repeat. Make sure your core stays tight and that your lower back does not overarch when you are lowering your legs.
1.Attach anchor at bottom of door
2.Sit facing door, wrap both ankle straps securely around each ankle. Attach sides of desired band combination to each strap.
3.Ajust position away from door until slight tension is felt when legs are straight
4.Lie on back. Place both hands behind head for support and keep chin lifted off chest.
5.Take a deep breath. Then exhale. Alternately extend one leg away from you while drawing your opposite knee in and reaching your opposite elbow toward that knee.
6.Switch another side. Then repeat.